Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

1) Getting out of a bad situation. I am so glad that I no longer have a friendship that requires walking on eggshells!

2)Luther's Birthday! Luther turned 25 on Monday July, 7. We celebrated on Saturday at the Cheesecake Factory. I had half of a chicken salad sandwich with salad and soup for lunch and a "Godiva" chocolate cheesecake. Yum! Luther had a bbq pizza and salad for lunch and the white chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake! He liked his meal too!

3) 4th of July Parade. What can I say? I love the floats and the free candy! LOL! And Alexis looked adorable!

4) Fireworks. They make me feel like I am still a litle kid! Love it!

5) My dad has been cigarette free for 6 days!! Hooray!! I am so proud of him. I hope that he can stick with it!

6) "Nunsense" auditions. Technically Steph and I are auditioning tomorrow but I am too excited to wait for next Wednesday to share the news!

7) FHE. I was in charge of family home evening on Monday for Luther's family and it went well!

1 comment:

Julie and Eric said...

What a fun list! I hope all goes well for your Auditions, and I hope your Dad can keep it up! :)