Sunday, July 27, 2008

Going Campin'

For our Pioneer Day weekend Luther and I decided to go on my family's annual camp-out. Luther's sister Cheyenne, and my sister Julie joined us. We left on Thursday for Grassy Lake. We were 45 minutes away and Luther's waterpump in his truck went out. So we stopped at a store in Orangeville and called my uncle for a ride up. (No car part stores were open because of the holiday.) So we crammed the kids in the back and the adults and Lexie in the front. Then we headed up the mountain for our camping spot. We set up camp and started our amazing weekend!

The girls spent their days on the canoes. (Well in the water after capsizing the canoe on purpose.)

I enjoyed the scenery and the night time campfires.

After Luther repaired his truck the boys decided to build a raft!

Luther and Alexis picked me a flower and put it in a beautiful vase (pronounced vaaze not vace)!

My parents decided to come up at the last minute and brought our dog "Shady" she loved playing in the water.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

I love camping! what fun pictures! looks like a lot of fun! I hope the truck made it back okay. :)