Monday, March 9, 2009

Photo Editing

So a couple days ago I stumbled across a free photo editing program and so far I am hooked. Here are a few things I have learned how to do. I hope to do much more intricate things later. I will share more when I get better. Here are my first pieces.

This one is the first one I did, the black and white is a little flat but other than that I like it.

This is one where I brightened up Alexis' face, darkened the background, and added text.
In this one I cropped the picture and whitened my teeth. They look fake I'll need to play with that a little. LOL!
One that I did for a contest, the theme was happy. I think the sepia tone works better than the black & white.
My first digiscrap page. :)

Here is one where I filled in the background using another picture. Just for fun!!

Here's one where I blurred the background and made Alexis sepia toned.
I hope you enjoyed!


Anonymous said...

those are so cute. I found one called Picnik but which one did you use to get yours to turn out like this. I love it.

LiNdS said...

The last one is my favorite! Too cute! Way to go aNG! Can't wait to see you soon!

Angela W. said...

I think I may redo the last one to soften the line around her hair. I dunno. It's such a sweet picture of her.